
Cell Phone Battery Tips and Care

If it is treated properly, the cell phone battery to achieve maximum performance and have a long life. A cell phone battery needs but in many cases by improper handling and care, he loses power. But it must also be other conditions created so that a cell phone battery can develop its full power.
Correlations of stand-by time
The storage of electricity in batteries have limits. With the newest generation (eg UMTS or LTE ), it is possible compared to older phones with ever smaller batteries a higher stand-by time to achieve. The duration of the achievable standby time of several parameters is dependent on the SIM card and use the cellular network . This means the reversal of that in the worst case, even the most advanced technology is useless, if not agree that the other conditions. The greatest influence on stand-by time takes the technology of the phone card, as these are the interface to the wireless network is. Therefore, it may be just for older cards often makes sense to let this go by the network operator.
Dealing with a new battery
A new battery should be charged with the first charging process at least ten to twelve hours. Only then should the phone be put into operation. Then the battery should be discharged in full operating condition in order to fully charge them again. Unless this process is repeated three times at the beginning can, so that the duration of the battery are increased.
Saving factor of SIM card
If the phone card (SIM card) allows it, the phone in the standby mode, the supply of the card processor and into a `deep sleep ', fall into the so-called deep-sleep-mode. If this is not possible, there may be a reduction in stand-by time up to one third of the manufacturer's instructions. If it is not certain whether a SIM card supports the deep-sleep-mode, can be contacted by mobile phone providers may be helpful.
Location and network dependency
A mobile phone sends, depending on the power supply with an output of 0.02 watts and 2 watts. To ensure accessibility, the phone at regular intervals, contact one of the mobile networks and communicate the current record position. The frequency of these contacts is also dependent upon the sufficiency of the position. If the phone is in the intersection of several broadcast stations, despite good network coverage caused also an increased polling rate and thus a higher energy consumption. The activation function of the cell info `reduced 'the stand-by time, because the phone will constantly look for current information. Therefore, this service should be turned off if possible.
Stand-by time influence
If the phone displays, after about an hour charging the phone battery is full, the fast charge is terminated. But then the battery has reached only about 80 percent of its capacity, for a nearly full charge should the phone for two more hours remain connected to the charger. Overcharging is not possible because of today's electronics. (Note: If you use original equipment!)
Mobile phone battery in the summer and winter
A rechargeable battery quickly loses its force when it is stored at a temperature above 50 degrees Celsius. For example, a cell phone store in the summer in a hot car, the lifetime of the cell phone battery is significantly reduced. Also, the handset should be in the sunshine as possible kept in the shade. But the extreme cold battery may very well hurt.
Storage of an unused cell phone battery
If a battery is not used for a long time, a recommended storage at temperatures between 15 degrees and 18 degrees Celsius. During this time, the battery should be charged only half full, so that no discharge takes place, because this slows the chemical reactions between electrolyte and lithium electrode. Before the battery after a storage returned into service, he should be charged in the mobile phone completely.

