
5 Quick Tips for Longer Battery Charge In Mobiles

If you own a mobile phone then you’ve probably been in a situation where your mobile phone dies from a lack of battery charge. This can be rather frustrating - especially if you are in a place where you are unable to charge your battery. There are some measures you can take when using your mobile device that can help preserve your battery power.

1) Avoid Keeping the phone in Vibration Mode:v The method of notification for phone calls can use a significant amount of battery power. This is mainly true for when you set your mobile phone to vibrate. Vibrating will use more power than just having the phone ring. An even larger battery drain is when your phone is set to both vibrate and ring. If you are using this setting, go for the ring-only option as it will use less battery power.

2) Avoid enabling multiple apps in the background:

Another serious battery drain is when you are using multiple apps at one time. Maybe times even though you are not using a particular app, you didn’t close it when you finished. Therefore, it is running in the background sucking power from your battery.

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3) Disable Push to Notification Apps:

Many apps issue what are known as push notifications. These messages instantly tell you if you have new messages, tweets, etc. While they might be helpful, they do use a significant amount of your battery’s power. See if you wait and just check your information manually. If so, then turning off push notifications would be a good move towards your goal of battery preservation.

4) Don't Let the Battery Die - Charge Frequently:

In order to make your battery last longer, do not allow it to die between charging. It is best to charge your phone more frequently. By charging it more often for shorter time frames, you are actually increasing the life of the lithium-ion battery used in the phone. Always charge your phone before it dies.

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5) Use of Black Background:

It is recommended that using a black screen on AMOLED screens consumes less battery charge. Using a black theme is highly recommended in that case. Set a black background in the browser settings as well.

